Name of the Virus: RNA virus of genus
Incubation: 3 to 14 days
Affected organ: Whole body
particularly head, eyes, and joints
Symptoms: Pain in eyes,
muscles, heads and joint , fever , rash
Prevention: no specific antiviral drug is available, however
symptom based treatment is done
Disease: Influenza (flu)
Name of the Virus: Mixo virus
Incubation: 1 to 4 days
Affected organ: Whole body
Symptoms: Suffocation,
sneezing, restlessness
Prevention: Paracetamol may help cure the symptoms and an annual
vaccine can help prevent the flu and limit it’s complications.
Disease: Polio
Name of the Virus: Polio Virus
Incubation: 7 to 14 days
Affected organ: Throat, backbone
Symptoms: Fever, body pain,
backbone and intestine cells are destroyed
Prevention: OPV
Disease: Mumps
Name of the Virus: Mumps virus
Incubation: 12-25 days
Symptoms: Painful enlargement
of parotid and salivary glands.
Prevention: Mamps-vaccine isolation
Disease: AIDS
Name of the Virus: HIV
Incubation: 9 months to 3 years
Affected organ: defensive system
(WBC) Lymphocytes
Symptoms: Immune system of
body became weak.
Prevention: Zidovudine
Disease: Chickungunya
Name of the Virus: RNA genus of Alphavirus
Incubation: 1 to 12 days
Symptoms: headache, fatigue,
digestive complaints and conjunctivitis
Prevention: No specific treatment, however supportive case through
drugs like naproxen, paracetamol is done
Disease: Chickenpox
Name of the Virus: vericella zoster virus
Incubation: 12-20 days
Affected organ: Whole body
Symptoms: High fever, radish
eruption on body
Prevention: Varicella vaccine
Disease: Sars
Name of the Virus: Sars COVID-2
Incubation: 1-14 days
Symptoms: Fever, coughing,
headache, sore throat , shortness of breath
Prevention: No licensed vaccine
Disease: Rabies
Name of the Virus: Rabies virus
Incubation: 10 days to1-3 months
Affected organ: Nervous syatem
Symptoms: sever headache and
high fever, spasm in throat and chest muscles, fears from water.
Prevention: Immunisation of dogs
Disease: Smallpox
Name of the Virus: Variola virus
Incubation: 12 days
Affected organ: Whole body
Symptoms: light fever, rash,
scaps and failing pockmarks are left
Prevention: Smallpox Vaccine
Disease: Ebola Virus desease
Name of the Virus: Ebola virus
Incubation: 2 to 21 days
Symptoms: Haemorrhagic fever,
muscle pain, headache, sore throat, diarrhoea, kidney and liver dysfunction
Prevention: No licensed vaccine available, immune therapies are
done currently
Disease: Swine flu
Name of the Virus: H1N1 flu virus
Incubation: 1-4 days
Symptoms: Fever with or without chill. Sore throat, dyspneat,
myalgia, diarrhea vomiting and dizziness
Prevention: Oseltamivir, Zonamivir are antiviral drugs vaccines
are available against this disease
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